翻译 | 孙睿晨
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虽然我能理解人类免疫缺陷病毒(HIV)对全球公共卫生健康所造成的威胁,但是在现阶段对人类胚胎进行CCR5基因敲除的风险远远大于其所带来的收益,尤其因为是这种操作的其中一个风险是可能导致缺失了CCR5基因的携带者更易感染西尼罗病毒。而且,更重要的是,我们已经有了非常有效并常见的阻断母婴之间的HIV病毒传播的手段 (所以敲除CCR基因所带来的真正收益有待商榷)。
目前正在进行的CCR5临床试验的目的是将基因编辑过的胚胎植入母体。鉴于基因编辑技术目前的技术水平,我认为, 在对将基因编辑过的胚胎植入母体的各项安全性有更全面周到的考量之前,应该暂停将这样的胚胎植入母体,
Although I appreciate the global threat posed by HIV, at this stage, the risks of editing embryos to knock out CCR5 seem to outweigh the potential benefits, not to mention that knocking out of CCR5 will likely render a person much more susceptible for West Nile Virus.
Just as important, there are already common and highly-effective methods to prevent transmission of HIV from a parent to an unborn child.
Given the current state of the technology, I'm in favor of a moratorium on implantation of edited embryos. which seems to be the intention of the CCR5 trials, until we have come up with a thoughtful set of safety requirements first.
Not only do I see this as risky, but I am also deeply concernd about the lack of transparency surrounding this trial. All medical advances, gene editing or otherwise and particularly those that impact vulnerable populations, sould be cautiously and thoughfully tested, discussed openly with patients, physicians, scientists, and other community members, and implemented in an equitable way.
In 2015, the international research community said it would be irrespoinsible to proceed with any germline editing without "broad societal consensus about the appropriateness of the
proposed application." (This was the consensus statement from the 2015 international summit on human gene editing.)
It is my hope that the upcoming summit will serve as a forum for deeper conversations about the implications of this news and provide guidance on how we as a global society can best benefit from gene editing.